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 Gotei 13 Squads

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Join date : 2010-04-02
Age : 31
Location : In the Shadows

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PostSubject: Gotei 13 Squads   Gotei 13 Squads I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 11:36 am

First Division:
Duty - No special duties have been noted for the 1st Division. The First Division is ranked highest among the 13 Divisions. Even subordinate members of the First Division are considered model Shinigami. Emergency must be dealt with swiftly; quick decisions and quick actions are essential. The division is able to ascertain a situation and mobilize quickly even before an order is issued. That is the true value of the First Division.
Captain - Sansai Amatsu

Second Division:
Duty - Because the Captain of the 2nd Division also leads the Onmitsukidō (Stealth Force in the English dub), the 2nd Division's duties are directly tied in with the Onmitsukidō, each of the top 5 seated officers is in charge of a certain division of the Special Forces. At this time, it is known that the Captain is in charge of the Executive Militia, the Lieutenant is in charge of the Patrol Unit, and the 3rd Seat is in charge of the Detention Unit.
Captain - Taken

Third Division:
Duty - No special duties have been noted for the 3rd Division.
Captain - None

Fourth Division:
Duty - The 4th Division is the medical/supply division. They are responsible for both treating the injured and doing most of the manual labor, such as cleaning the Seireitei. The 4th Division is further divided into teams that have specific assigned jobs. Other division members use their spiritual power only for fighting. Members of the 4th Division possess spiritual powers that is used to tend to wounds and provide relief. They use these special powers and the benefits of their daily training to act with precision and speed to aid injured comrades. 4th Division administers emergency first aid to injured division members and transports them to the General Emergency Relief Station.
Captain - None

Fifth Division:
Duty - No special duties have been noted for the 5th Division. The members of this division are all highly skilled, having been trained by a captain who excels at everything, including battle readiness.
Captain - Hiwatari Sekima Hakufu

Sixth Division:
Duty - No special duties have been noted for the 6th Division. The 6th Division is seen as a model division by every Shinigami and is known for its strict adherence to rules
Captain - None

Seventh Division:
Duty - No special duties have been noted for the seventh Division. This division is made up of sincere, unpretentious people who live life with gusto. Captain Komamura and Lieutenant Iba believe strongly in moral obligation and compassion. This ethos has been passed down through the ranks of the 7th Division.
Captain - None

Eighth Division:
Duty - No special duties have been noted for the eighth Division.
Captain - None

Ninth Division:
Duty - The mission of the Ninth Division is to protect the Seireitei. It is always on standby for combat because it is the security force of the Gotei 13. Traditionally, Ninth Division has overseen arts and culture.
Captain - Taken

Tenth Division:
Duty - No special duties have been noted for the 10th Division.
Captain - None

Eleventh Division:
Duty - The Eleventh Division is the direct-combat Division with a specialization in swords-only combat, forgoing the other Shinigami arts and thereby being one of the most specialized divisions in the Gotei 13. The division's doctrine of dominating in battle is what appeals to its members; they believe that fighting is what makes life worth living. This is what separates 11th Division from the others and makes them the strongest division. Everyone in the 11th Division are highly skilled in fighting. They believe if they are going to die anyway, go down fighting gloriously.
Captain - Taken

Twelfth Division:
Duty - The 12th Division develops new technology and spiritual tools and its been the home of the S.R.D.I. for 110 years.
Captain - None

Thirteenth Division:
Duty - No special duties have been noted for the 13th Division.
Captain - None
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