Site Rules:1. No pornographic material on any of the boards, or for short anywhere on the Site.
2. RESPECT all people and their characters. If you have an issue, politely ask a manager or an elite to help you out. Aruging will get you nowhere.
3. Swearing/cussing is allowed, in character, please do not swear at our other members. It’s plain rude.
4. Be active, even if you are just chatting on the General Boards.
5. You can’t RP until an admin approves your character.
6. GODMODING: Is absolutely not tolerable! Godmoding is when you act like you’re a god and nothing can hurt you. There are other versions of god modding, and if an admin sees you power playing, or god modding, you will be warned/punished at the discretion of management. God modding can result in, most usually, the death of your character. [Example: Quin was so powerful none of the warriors attacks could of hurt him, the warrior would die on contact of Quin's attack.] That was GODMODING, and it will not be tolerated.
7. There is a travelling rule. Do not have your character EVERYWHERE. You can only be in one spot with a single character at one time.
8. Killing in battle is not allowed unless both characters come to a mutual agreement beforehand. If you DO agree to a fight to the death, do not complain when/if your character dies. No one said you had to kill anyone, ergo you brought it upon yourself.
9. You may not have more than five characters at one time. We realize that some sites only allow one, and others allow an infinite number but lets be serious...are you really going to be active with more than five characters at one time?
Well if you would, then that's too bad...if you want another character after you've made five then kill off an existing one. Also, you may not create any two characters at the same starting level besides level 1. What this means is you may not have more than one character begin at level 30, 50, or 70.
10. Have fun! This is the most important rule. This rpg, while fun, nothing on this site is worth getting angry over, or arguing about. Debating can be fun, but if it evolves to an argument, take it off site. We don’t like reading meaningless bickering.
Rules of Battle:1. You can’t kill a person’s character without their permission. If you agree and your Character is killed, never fear, you are able to make a new character to take that character’s place. While this allows you retain your rank and position, this means that your new character would have to begin at the basic starting level for their rank. For instance, if you had a level 90 Captain, and he dies, your new Captain would have to start off at level 70.
2. If your character isn’t active during a certain date then it may be killed. Example: You had a Captain and didn’t use him for 20 days and we’re in a war. You can bet that your character will be deleted, or at least suspended, your title (not your rank), stripped. If you will be gone for a number of days then say that you’ll be gone for sometime on the general bored. The character will be benched until you return. In short, if you are about to go inactive for a long time, don’t start a fight with someone. It is extremely annoying.
3. Be reasonable when fighting. Don’t do things like dodging all of your opponent’s most powerful attacks, and make things interesting. If someone uses a Cero, and you just dodge, whats the point of using powerful attacks such as those? Instead of just dodging everything, if you can block it, block it. If you can at least slow it down, then do that, then run away. But unless you have a good excuse, do not simply dodge every attack. Again, its extremely annoying, and it is also power playing.
4. Inadequate Defense. This rule can end battles. If an opponent puts up a defense that is not adequate enough to properly defend against an attack, the attack will in some part go through, with the defender taking appropriate damage. This includes doing impossible maneuvers, or doing things that your character physically cannot do. Ignoring or forgetting to defend against an opponent's attack, will also result in the attack being successful upon the attacker's next turn. Continually flash stepping to evade an opponent who has a much higher Shunpo Speed stat will also result in their attacks eventually landing. Be smart when dodging, and sometimes dodging is not the answer. Attempt to block to lessen the damage instead.