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 Shinigami Info

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Red Horizon
Red Horizon

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Join date : 2010-04-05

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PostSubject: Shinigami Info   Shinigami Info I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 4:06 pm

General Info:

In this thread is all the information pertaining to Shinigami including ranks, responsibilities, as well as how to attain each rank. There are 10 available seats for each division (including Captains and Lieutenants) at the moment. Characters graduating from the academy are listed as "unseated" unless otherwise specified by management. We will open more seats as needed. It IS possible for your character to be demoted and replaced by others at the discretion of each division's Captain.

Rank Info:


The only way for a lieutenant character to get past their level cap is to become a Captain. (see the Level System for more information).

To become a Captain:

Your character does not necessarily have to be level 70. However, your character must have achieved Bankai. If you have, put in a formal request in the Questions & Requests board titled appropriately. Be sure to include which division to which you are applying for captaincy. Wait for a mod to review your request. If a mod approves of the work you've put forth in this site and in bettering your character (which means being active with said character, having gone on missions with said character etcetera etcetera), you may be awarded Captain Rank you will then be reassigned to a new division. An admin's word is law on this, and they may ask you to either post more, or be more active with that character before they will allow a promotion. Defeating an existing Captain in a formal challenge will also result in gaining Captain rank.


The only way for a character to train beyond level 55 is to gain Lieutenant rank. Your character does not necessarily have to have reached level 50 to become a lieutenant, however, Shikai is a requirement. If you have, make a formal request in the Questions & Requests board, with an appropriate title. Be sure to include which division to which you are applying for the position. Wait for a mod to review your request. If a mod approves of the work you've put forth in this site and in bettering your character (which means being active with said character, having gone on missions with said character etcetera etcetera), you may be awarded Lieutenant Rank you will then be reassigned to a new division. An admin's word is law on this, and they may ask you to either post more, or be more active with that character before they will allow a promotion. Defeating an existing lieutenant in a formal challenge will result in you gaining the former Vice-captain's rank, and they, yours.

Seat listing:

Below is the current, continually updated list of ranked Shinigami.

First Division

Captain (Sotaicho) - Sansai Amatsu
Lieutenant - Open
Third Seat - Open
Fourth Seat - Open
Fifth Seat - Open
Sixth Seat- Open
Seventh Seat- Open
Eight Seat- Open
Ninth Seat- Open
Tenth Seat- Open

Description & Duties: The command division. The first division's responsibilities include relaying orders both from Central 46, and the Sotaicho to the rest of the Gotei 13. If situations arise which need precise and competent handling, a contingent of First division members is dispatched. As the General Commander, the Captain of the First Division has authority over all other Captains in the Gotei 13. In the same manner, the Vice-Captain of the First Division has authority over all other Vice-Captains in the Gotei 13. Their orders must be followed, and can only be countermanded by Captains, or the Commander General. First Division members are known to be expert in all forms of Shinigami combat and tactics.

Second Division

Captain - Open
Lieutenant - Open
Third seat - Open
Fourth seat - Open
Fifth seat - Open
Sixth Seat- Open
Seventh Seat- Open
Eight Seat- Open
Ninth Seat- Open
Tenth Seat- Open

Duties & Responsibilities: Widely known as the Tactics and Assassination division. They have close ties with the Omnitsukido, and many of the members of the second division are also members of the Special Forces. They are in charge of any and all covert and clandestine operations. They are skilled at hiding their reiatsu signature, and to avoid detection.

Fourth Division

Captain - Open
Lieutenant- Open
Third Seat - Open
Fourth Seath - Open
Fifth Seat - Open
Sixth Seat- Open
Seventh Seat- Open
Eight Seat- Open
Ninth Seat- Open
Tenth Seat- Open

Duties & Responsibilities: The Fourth Division is responsible for responding to all medical emergencies and is also charged with the sanitation and cleanliness of Seireitei. Largely underestimated, the shinigami in this division usually have a very high aptitude for Kido. They are in general highly intelligent and resourceful. They alone are taught the complicated art of healing kido.

Fifth Division

Captain - Hiwatari Hakufu
Lieutenant- Open
Third Seat - Open
Fourth Seath - Open
Fifth Seat - Open
Sixth Seat- Open
Seventh Seat- Open
Eight Seat- Open
Ninth Seat- Open
Tenth Seat- Open

Duties & Responsibilities: The Fifth Division is in charge of general defense. They regularly police the seireitei, and even some districts in Rukongai, and it is their duty to put an end to any disorderliness amongst the Gotei 13. They are generally tough combatants with a wide range of skills.

Eleventh Division

Captain - Open
Lieutenant- Open
Third Seat - Open
Fourth Seath - Open
Fifth Seat - Open
Sixth Seat- Open
Seventh Seat- Open
Eight Seat- Open
Ninth Seat- Open
Tenth Seat- Open

Duties & Responsibilities: The combat division. Members of the eleventh division are dispatched first to suppress large scale threats to seireitei, or to the human world. They are known to be the best at direct combat in the Gotei 13, favoring the use of melee-type zanpakuto, and shunning the use of Kido in battle.

Twelfth Division

Captain - Open
Lieutenant- Ankoku Makuro
Third Seat - Open
Fourth Seath - Open
Fifth Seat - Open
Sixth Seat- Open
Seventh Seat- Open
Eight Seat- Open
Ninth Seat- Open
Tenth Seat- Open

Duties & Responsibilities: Research and Development. The twelfth division runs the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. The two organizations are essentially one in the same. This division is charged with devising new technology, and researching and fully analyzing any new discovery.
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